BLV in action.

BLV in action.
Brady Lake Village is listed on the internet as a speed trap,that's only the half of why you should stay out of Brady Lake Village.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Living in BLV really can BLOW,especially if you're in the KNOW..

BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth aka Honest Ethel is the BLV clerk-mayor by default.
It's default of BLV mayor Hal Lehman because Hal has no balls,Ethel has them,but is not sure what to do with them,besides have BLV hire her whole family without using job applications.
This is just some of why BLV does BLOW.  To see more BLV blog sites click on the picture of the Mustang to the right of these comments. To see more about BLV clerk-mayor Ethel Nemeth click on the Mustang and then click on- PEE=Please Exit Ethel -If you would like to comment and be anonymopus click on comments below these comments.


Anonymous said...

Mathes looks like the loud mouthed bully he is.

Anonymous said...

Smokey does appear to be fucked in the head and not capable of driving anything let alone a dump truck.

Anonymous said...

The BLV clerk's son in law Jerry Moore is a fat loser drunk.

Anonymous said...

It's people like this that allow big time slumlords like Eric Henson rent homes in the village. Unsafe and horrible for people who rent. Add a investigative blog about how slumlords get away with renting unsafe homes in the throughout the village, with little or no penaltys. Most villagers are at fault as well, for they voted to keep this village poor , and with a bad rep. All because they truly don't want to pay the taxes to make this a better place to live for future generations. The entire governing body is a joke , and it's the people of Brady Lake Village who help keep a joke because of selfish motives. The governing body running the village today=no hope for tomorrow's residents.